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COVID19 Policies and Procedures

Highmore Hedgehogs' key priority at all times is the health, safety and well-being of the children in our care, their families and our staff.  In view of the current pandemic we are operating to our own comprehensive and regularly updated COVID19 policies regarding infection control, and we will also continue to introduce additional measures in line with the latest guidance from the NHS, Public Health bodies and Government.

Here is a brief overview of the practices we have developed to minimise risk and keep everyone safe at Highmore Hedgehogs Nursery.

Controlling access and arriving at Nursery:

  • No staff member who had COVID19 symptoms, (or who has a member of their family displaying symptoms) will be admitted into the Nursery until they have had a test, tested negative and completed isolation in line with Government guidance.

  • When Parents and children arrive at Nursery they will be asked to confirm that neither their child nor anybody in their household is displaying any COVID19 symptoms such as a new continuous cough, a loss of (or change in) their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia) or a high temperature of 37.8C or more.

  • Parents will not be allowed into the building.

  • Non-essential visitors are not permitted into the building

Extra precautionary measure:

  • During the morning and afternoon sessions children’s temperatures will be taken

  • Frequent handwashing/sanitising by children and staff throughout the day

  • Regular ongoing cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces and objects

Reorganising Nursery routines:

  • We will continue to offer free flow play and the main playroom will be well ventilated with doors being kept open as much as possible

  • Risk assessments will be carried out on activities that pose a risk of cross contamination

  • For the time being carpets, rugs soft furnishings and soft toys have been removed and this will be reviewed as guidance changes

  • Children will not be able to pour their own drinks at snack time or help themselves to snacks. This will be managed by a staff member

  • At the end of the day a member of staff will be at the door to greet parents and children will be called one by one and brought to the door by a member of staff. They will have had their hands washed or sanitised before being called to the door

Protocols in the event of someone developing symptoms at Nursery

  • If children or staff develop any symptoms of COVID19 we will take immediate action

  • Staff will be asked to return home immediately, self-isolate and seek a test

  • For children showing symptoms we have a dedicated isolation room (meeting room) where they will be taken and cared for by a member of staff until a parent can come and collect them

We will continue to update our practices to reflect new guidance and information.

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding, we look forward to welcoming you to Highmore Hedgehogs.

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